Vallée du Golu, Vergio

This is a short walk that will take you into the GOLU valley.  You will see hikers on the famous GR20 two week trail heading to their next refuge.  There is a shepherd’s cabin called RADULE, the GOLU river and a beautiful pine tree forest.

” A great circular walk, in superbly granitic surroundings. Do make sure you take a picnic and your swim gear to enjoy the rock pools.”

7km,  4h00, +/-300m, RED & WHITE GR20, PURPLE & ORANGE, BLUE

FOOD:  Hotel CASTEL DI VERGIO, café and grocery store

  • Fer à Cheval (to Radule cabins) 1h00

From FER A CHEVAL, on the hairpin looking uphill you will see a small path on the right. Follow the path through the trees. After a short distance, a path climbs (waymarked BLUE) indicated RADULE. There are patches where the way marking is not easy to find in the forest, be attentive.

Continue on to arrive at an intersection with the GR20. Turn right, follow the red and white marks up towards the cabins of RADULE  (alt 1400m)  RADULE, is a huddle of stone cabins well camouflaged against the mountain rock.

  • Radule cabins (to Golu passerelle bridge) 0h30

From RADULE, the path climbs off to the left (signposted for EVISA and the COL) before heading around the rockface to your right. Follow attentively the red and white markings in an easterly direction towards the GOLO River and waterfall. At the river, there is a bridge. Cross over the river, walk up hill several meters to find the GR20 trail and turn left. Follow the trail uphill, still progressing through the GOLU valley on the left bank of the river GOLU.

  • Plle bridge downstream (to wooden signposts) 1h15


Walk down a rocky path on the left bank of the river GOLU. You pass the waterfall at RADULE. Continue all the way down, you will come to a clearing where there are two more wooden signposts  One indicates BOCCA DI VERGHJU, REFUGE DE CIOTTULU, BOCCA GUAGNAROLA, REFUGE DE PUSCAGHJA. A second signposts indicates ALBERTACCE.

  • Wooden signposts (to Fer à Cheval) 0h45

Facing the ALBERTACCE sign, turn right, walk several metres down to the river (south). Cross straight over the river (there is a large stone cairn on the river bank and a blue way mark opposite). Once across the river, turn left, pick up the path that makes large loops uphill. Just before the road you will see the path you came in on this morning.

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