Foret d’Aitone, Evisa

This is a wonderfully varied walk from the high road col at Vergio, down through the Aitone forest to the mountain village of Evisa. Really away from it all and great at any time of year. Can be linked with Golo Valley walking.

“High mountain passes, through pine forests, to chestnut woods – the pictures don’t do the panoramas justice. We simply love this mountain walk.”

9.5km, 4h00, +150m/-750m ORANGE

FOOD: Hotel Castel di Vergio or EVISA

  • Col de Vergio (to Pont de Casterica) 1h30 / 3km

Cross over the col passing in front of the cabin (summer only). A wooden sign indicates the direction of the MARE A MARE NORD EVISA, pick up the orange way marked path that flanks the mountainside before veering sharply left and heading steeply downhill through the woods towards EVISA.

At the very end of the forest path you come to a track, turn right. You will walk for about 35 mins along the track which is more or less flat. At the end of the track a little abrupt slope brings you to another track. Turn right, walk up hill to arrive almost immediately at the PONT DE CASTERICA bridge. Before crossing the bridge, you might like to stop for a break. On the left there is a way down to the rock pools and surrounding smooth rocks, this is a good rest spot.

  • Pont de Casterica (to the suspension bridge) 1h30 / 2.5km

Cross CASTERICA BRIDGE, walk up hill several meters before taking a path on the left, it is indicated with a wooden sign marked EVISA and orange waymarks. The path descends, the terrain is loose and rocky, continue down to the river. You follow the right bank of the river for a while, before pulling away uphill.

Having finished the climb, you take a turn to the left, marked with a wooden signpost indicating EVISA. From here, the path heads down hill, you will soon notice in the distance the roofs of two parallel buildings; this is the SCOPA ROSSA hotel in EVISA. The path is rough underfoot and you have to clamber over boulders, it descends constantly, at all times follow the ORANGE markings, the river will be on your left and you will arrive at a suspension footbridge.

  • Suspension bridge (to Evisa) 1h00 / 3.5km

Cross over the suspension footbridge, one at a time, taking care.  Once across turn right.  Now on the left bank of the river, follow the path to a small stream and cross over. Turn right, you will see a series of steps. The steps lead down to the PISCINE NATURELLE. If you decide to make this descent 10 mins optional extra (there and back), you will see the ruins of the old chestnut mill on the way down. The PISCINE NATURELLE is a beauty spot, people come in the summer to picnic and swim, if you walk down to the bottom of the steps you will come to the large pool, beware of slippery rocks. Head back up the same way back to the main track.

Turn right and follow the track up to the road.  At the road turn right, after 80m you will see a path on the right that leads down through the chestnut woods into the centre of EVISA village.  Follow the path ignoring any minor slip trails, after about 45 mins you will arrive at a road. Cross straight over and head down the concrete path that leads into the village centre.

  • Evisa Village Centre

EVISA, situated at 830m, it is unusually close to the sea for a village at this height, it benefits from a privileged climate and is known locally as ‘the pearl of the mountains.’ You will discover the wonderful Lariccio pine tree forest of L’AÏTONE, then a transition of different trees and vegetation as you lose height.  You approach the village by walking through an ancient chestnut forest. The village still exploits its chestnuts keeping up the traditional local dishes and chestnut specialities.

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