La Revellata, Calvi

A lovely and relatively easy going walk onto the Revellata peninsula, through unspoilt maritime maquis, all the way to the lighthouse above the Oceanographic centres. This walk is fabulous in spring, when the flowering maquis is heady, and the trail quiet.

“A great coastal walk, especially out of season, just a short walk out of Calvi town. The presqu’ile is wild, the walk is ok for all ages if you are sure footed, but take care on the cliff path, as not for those with vertigo. No real shade.”

12km, 4h30,  +/-300m  YELLOW Food:  CALVI, all facilities

  • Calvi (to Tamarricia) 0h30 / 1km

The start of the walk is CROIX DU BALKANS, from the centre of town (with your back to the citadel), head out with the sea to your right towards GALERIA and PORTO on the D81. You arrive at a cross on a sort of turning area, continue walking out of town along the D81 towards GALERIA FOR 600m until you see crossroads at TAMARRICIA, take the road to your right gently downhill. Following the road and ignoring the first turn to your right, you pass behind a number of residences including MOTEL LES PINS. Keep going till you see the sign for REVELLATA.

  • Tamarricia (to Plage de l’Alga) 0h30 / 1km

As the road bears right, here you will see a track to the left, signposted, take the track, which eventually opens out onto the coast leading you to the PLAGE DE L’ALGA on the REVELLATA.

  • Plage de l’Alga (to Lighthouse) 1h00 / 3km

Cross the beach, and at the far end you will see a track and a ruin, turning right pass behind the ruin and after approx 100m this joins a narrower path that follows the coast, going into and out of small creeks. After the ANSE D’OSCELLUCCIA, the cement path climbs rapidly, high above the sea, narrowing it becomes a balcony path hugging the cliffs, eventually arriving at the road to the lighthouse, above the OCEANOGRAPHIC research base. The light house was made in 1844, follow the signs for BELVEDERE for an ocean view.

  • Revellata Lighthouse (to Plage de l’Alga) 1h00 / 3km

From the lighthouse you have two choices, either retrace your steps to the beach at OSCELLUCIA, or from the lighthouse, take the track to the right. The track climbs to 106m the highest point on the loop, you are just below the ridges on the eastern side of the REVELLATA, the path eventually drops down below the D81 road, a track leads left to the beach at L’ALGA, just before the hairpins that climb to the road D81.

Extension walk from the Plage d’Alga. 1h30 / 4km

An extension walk will take you to NOTRE DAME DE LA SERRA. Take the dirt track that climbs in hairpins up to the coast road D81. Turn left and then climb the tarmac road to your right, taking the left fork when at a no entry sign. Keep climbing until you see NOTRE DAME DE LA SERRA in front of you From NOTRE DAME DE LA SERRA, from the steps, turn down to the right, dropping down to CALVI. The path forks a number of times until you arrive in the town.

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