Les Crêtes, Ajaccio

This is a walk along the mountain ridge LES CRÊTES that dominates the city and GULF OF AJACCIO.

« The aerial views of the town, over the sea and the mountains are stunning. It is a firm favourite with city dwellers and just down the road for us. Great if you have a couple of hours to spare. »

6km / 12km, 2h15 / 4h15, +140m / +340m, -140m / +340m, YELLOW



Make your way to the top of the COURS GRANDVAL to the GROTTE NAPOLEON, the square with a very impressive statue of NAPOLEON. At the entrance to the square follow the road to the right, up and around the bend. Continue uphill, you will come to a bus stop on the left, marked BOIS DES ANGLAIS. Take the turning after on the left, that leads towards the apartment blocks. Almost immediately on your left you will see the entrance to your path. There is a large sign with details of the different walks.

  • Bois des Anglais entrance (to the Col du Forcone) 1h15 / 3.5km

Follow the main path uphill continuing around the hairpin bends, after several bends you will have wonderful aerial views of AJACCIO. Continue along until you arrive at an eroded, up-hill section. There is a sign indicating the PISTE DU SALARIO. Ignore this sign and turn left. Stay on this path all the way, it will lead past stone ruins and along to a low saddle marked on your map FORCONE.


  • Col du Forcone (to the town centre) 0h45 / 2.5km

At the saddle there is a sign marking PARC DE BERTHAULT to the left. For the shortest loop, take this path which leads steeply downhill to the apartment blocks. Once back on the main road, turn left and follow the sea front back into town.


  • Col du Forcone (to the stone bergerie) 1h30 / 4km

To do the longer loop, head straight on, cross over the col continuing along the same path. You will soon have views of the cemetery roofs; continue in the direction of the ILES SANGUINAIRES. Ignore the first turning on the right, continue straight on. At the second turning, turn right – continue uphill until you come to the top, you will see a small stone bergerie, continue to the right.

  • Stone bergerie  (to the water tanks) 0h45 / 2km

50 m further on after the bergerie, you will come to a turning on your left. Ignore this turning, continue straight on, the path will pass through a wood and eventually come out at a track. On your left there are two green water tanks. Turn right and walk down to the main track.

  • Water tanks (to the end at Bois des Anglais) 0h45 /2.5km

Once you drop down onto the main track, turn right again and walk for 150m. Take a path that heads down to the left. You will soon come to an intersection with a wooden signpost. Turn right, taking the path indicated SENTIER DES CRÊTES and BOIS DES ANGLAIS. Head back along this pathway, you will come to the intersection you passed when you set out, marked with a signpost PISTE DU SALARIO. Head down hill and back along the path to the BOIS DES ANGLAIS.

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