Tour de Frassu, Porticcio

The TOUR DE FRASSU stands high above PORTICCIO, the coastal resort across the golfe from AJACCIO. The walk follows part of the first stage of the MARE E MONTI SUD, which continues to BISINAO and COTI CHIAVARI or the MARE A MARE CENTRE which heads to the COL ST GEORGES and SANTA MARIA SICHE. Destroyed by pirates in the 16th Century the tower was a fortified house that once stood in a small hamlet.

“A tower that is a favourite Sunday stroll, it can be hot and is not a flat walk with around 350m +”

5km, 2h30, +/- 350m, ORANGE

  • OPTIONAL Porticcio (to Cimitiere de Porticcio) 0h30 / 2km

Your walk starts at the Cemetery in PORTICCIO.

To reach this head away from the Tourist information office / Pontoon (at Les Marines de PORTICCIO) towards the pink building COLLEGE DE PORTICCIO. Pass the COLLEGE, then go straight over at the next roundabout, then directly to the right following the signs for the CIMITIERE DE PORTICCIO and TERRA BELLA. You will also see the walking signs for the MARE E MONTI & MARE A MARE (BISINAO etc). Follow the main road through TERRA BELLA residential area (ignore turnings off sharp left and right) for around 1km, past sports courts, and you will soon move into a less residential area. As cyprus trees line the road, you will see at the end, a parking area and the Cemetery on your right.

  • Cimitiere de Porticcio (to Tour de Frassu) 1h00 / 2.5km

From cemetery, take the path that climbs to the left of the cemetery wall. This dirt path is well waymarked, be attentive as there are a few paths that join and leave the main one. The path crosses a stream (dry in summer) then climbs in and out of shade initially before opening up near to the flat area called LISCINOSA (1.5km) where you will see a lone stone house. The views open up behind you to the GOLFE D’AJACCIO and you will see the TOUR DE FRASSU high above in the maquis. Continue to the lane that leads to the stone house, heading left away from the house on the flat, then turn right up a track. Climbing again. You are nearly there ! The route takes a sharp right off the track before starting a steeper climb that zig zags a little on your approach to the TOUR DE FRASSU. Watch out for a stone cairn and take the path off to the left (keeping left at a two way junction) and the tower will be on your left. It is a bit of a clamber to the tower but the views over the GOLFE D’AJACCIO are amazing. Care as the tower is on “private” land. To return to PORTICCIO retrace your steps. From the TOUR DE FRASSU, retrace your steps to the path you were on earlier. Take a right on main path, dropping back down to PORTICCIO.


  • Tour de Frassu (to Bocca di Castrucia D302) 0h45/ 2km

From the TOUR DE FRASSU, retrace your steps to the path you were on earlier. Take a left on main path, climbing gently. You soon see the villas of ZIZOLI above you. Keep to the path, following the waymarks, closing “gates” where necessary, as it passes below this residential area, through woodland. At the end of the residential area, you climb and after this views open up to the again to your right over the GOLFE D’AJACCIO. Here the path takes a distinct left along a fenced property – keep to the edge of the field. At the end of the field, go through the stone wall and onto the road for around 100m before following the path off to the right, alongside farmland initially, then into woodland all the way to BOCCA DI CASTRUCCIA where it meets the road.

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