Punta di San Martinu, Eccica-Suarella

Another mini-walk from my doorstep, this was one of our COVID 10km lockdown walks and a recent discovery for us.

“A lovely walk through the woods, then opening up to some great views of the Ajaccio Golfe, the mountains around Tolla and a hidden gorge…”

7.25km, 3h00, +/-445m, some YELLOW

This walk starts at the village of ECCICA. Heading south on the main T40 at the roundabout before the climb to CAURO, turn left, drive past the village of SUARELLA, continue straight ahead, past the church and cemetery between the two villages and take the road on the right that climbs towards the hamlet of ECCICA. Park correctly in the village near to the village fountain.

  • ECCICA ( to Bocca di Strimella) 0h40 / 1.5km

Take the road that climbs from the village fountain, passing a bell tower, then continuing under the vaulted alleyway. You will see the path follow on straight ahead, along a boundary wall, pass a water tank. The path is easy to follow passing terraced gardens under age old olive trees. The path enters deeper into woodland. It is an easy climb, dropping down at times to cross streams, the waymarks are relatively easy to follow, care needs to be taken at some junctions. After 40 minutes the path opens out at the BOCCA DI STRIMELLA.

  • BOCCA DI STRIMELLA (Return walk to Summit) 0h20 / 0.75km

From here you can take the path to the left, the views open up initially towards AJACCIO, before you pass the ruins of a bergerie and the path becomes closed in, climbing to the left through a wood. Again the path opens up to a wide saddle covered in rocky maquis. It is just a short climb to the summit which has some rocky passages. Enjoy the views before retracing your steps to the BOCCA DI STRIMELLA.

  • BOCCA DI STRIMELLA (Junction above torrent de Monticchi) 0h30 / 1.25km

From the col, take the path towards your right (straight on if coming down from the summit). After 20m, ignore another climbing path through the maquis on your right (this is your return route). You are continuing straight ahead as the path opens up ahead of you on a narrow path, initially crossing above an over a rocky outcrop with views to the MONTICCHI gorge. Continue along this path, the land drops away to your right but the path is now largely enclosed by trees and vegetation. The path is relatively flat only dropping down to the stream below SAN MARTINU, before climbing again. As the views open up, you arrive at a signposted junction – ECCICA SUAREDDA 1h / LAC DE TOLLA 3h.

  • Extension to torrent in summer for bathing 0h35 / 1.5km

You can continue along the path in the direction of LAC DE TOLLA. After 0h15 you arrive at the mountain torrent and the bridge that crosses it. Retrace your steps uphill to the junction for the rest of the walk.

  • Junction above TORRENT DE MONTICCHI (to Punta di Piscia Nera) 0h30 / 1.5km

Turn right uphill here (un-signposted and yellow cross – don’t let that throw you). There is no waymarking on this stretch, only the occasional cairn, but the route is easy to follow. The path climbs gently, initially through woodland, then opening up to high maquis with great mountain views. After 20 minutes, you reach a junction that heads off downhill to the left (to the BASTELICA – CAURO road). Keep on the main path to your right, there is another cross (again don’t let that throw you), clamber over and around a large boulder, then the path again is easy to see as it continues along an open saddle, the village of CAURO is to your left, climbing towards the Punta di Piscia Nera (with an electricity pylon). As you round another rocky outcrop, there is a cairn and the views open out for the last time towards La ROCCA , and the Golfe of AJACCIO.

  • PUNTA DI PISCIA NERA (to Bocca di Strimella) 0h20 / 0.75km

From here the path drops down around the outcrop, then drops steeply into woodland, on a dirt path, continuing under tree cover almost all the way back to the BOCCA DI STRIMELLA. Please note, at the end of the path near the junction there are hunter’s shelters hidden in the trees and low in the maquis. Be aware of them. At the junction you saw earlier, turn left, just 20m after leaving the path, you find yourself back at the BOCCA DI STRIMELLA junction.

  • BOCCA DI STRIMELLA (to Eccica village) 0h40 / 1.5km

Simply retrace your steps downhill through the woods from here, turning sharp left when you see a TRAIL SAMPIERO sign continuing straight ahead. It is an easy descent and just keep to the trail all the way back to the village.

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