La Tonnara to Fenu, Figari

A wild walk, through the rough coastal rocks north of the Feu de Fenu. This is a windswept land, untouched by development. The landscape in complete harmony with the sea.

An easy looking walk on paper, but long if you go there and back, the trail isn’t well trodden and you can go off trail easily as animals roam. Keep your wits about you, take a picnic and enjoy one the view at Fenu.

The walk starts near the village of PIANATOLLI approx 10km north of BONIFACIO, travelling out of town south towards BONIFACIO, cross the PONT DE FIGARI and the PONT DE VENTIGLENE then take the right turn towards the windsurfer paradise of LA TONNARA. The road becomes more of a dirt track park at the water’s edge. The walk can be linked to the La Testa to Ventiglene walk, or the La Trinité to Bonifacio walk.

6km one way  /  2h30/ +/- 190m /  LOW WAY POSTS

  • Tonnara beach (to Capo di Feno lighthouse) 2h30 / 6km

TONNARA beach is next to a ramshackle huddle of buildings on the sea and a favourite spot with wind and kite-surfers. Facing the sea, at the dirt parking area near the beach, you are heading left along the coast, following the signs and the cairns with the sea on your right. You are heading towards the lighthouse and headland at CAPO DI FENU.

The path more or less follows the coast. You soon reach the beach at STAGNOLU, backed by a coastal marsh. Following on from the beach, the path crosses a more rocky landscape, interspersed with sea creaks, scattered with driftwood, and barren until reaching CALA DI MERLU. From here the path continues, again following cairns, across a more verdant landscape of maquis before arriving at CALA GRANDE just before the square lighthouse at CAPU DI FENU.

You don’t reach the lighthouse via the coast, you head instead behind the headland. Approximately 400m before the lighthouse, cairns show your way inland along an open track. BE ATTENTIVE – you need to take a climbing path approx 200m after the path leaves the coast at FENU. You come off the larger path (just after another wooden fence blocking the old path) and head sharp right, up through the maquis to the ridge, as you drop down after another 200m you see a big rock, the lighthouse FEU DE FENU is accessible on a gently climbing path on your right. Your choice from here is to join the walk to La Trinité and BONIFACIO, or retrace your steps to LA TONNARA.

  • Capu di Fenu

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