Plage de Gradelle, Osani, to Plage de Caspiu, Partinello

Another relitively easy if you don’t mind heights and clifftop paths, less trodden and short with great views of the Golfe de Porto. The trail has been recently tidied and is witness to the pastoral past of this region.

16km seperate these two hidden beaches by road as it travels inland from Osani to Partinello, this is a relatively short 1h, either way !

To start the walk, park your car by the beach at Gradelle.

3km /1h30 / +/-150m.

Food supplies:  PORTO, GALERIA, small BUVETTE Col de la Croix, paillotes on the beach in season

  • Gradelle (Caspiu) 0h45 / 1km

Moving away from the ruins, cross the beach at GRADELLE, and from the far corner of the cove, a path leads uphill from the sea side of the beach and follows the cliffs along to the next bay at CASPIU.  Ignore any intersections and be attentive to way marks. At a crop threshing circle, take a right over rocks, to a magnificent panorama. From here drop down to the left, zigzagging to reach a spring and a bergerie. Cross over to the bergerie, pass the BERGERIE going through a gap in the wall and 45 minutes after leaving GRADELLE you will arrive at the parking area behind CASPIU beach. Retrace your steps to GRADELLE.

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