U Grottu, Seninu, Osani

A little know treasure, this Taffoni formed cave is an out of the way find on relatively easy, less trodden and short trail with great views of the Golfe de Porto, Capu Rossu and of course Mt Seninu!

You wouldn’t know this one was there, hidden at the foot of Mt Seninu, the highest Cape in Corsica !

To start the walk, park your car in the hamlet of Osani.

5km /2h30 / +/-200m.

Food supplies:  PORTO, GALERIA, small BUVETTE Col de la Croix.

  • Osani (junction near Bergerie U Pratu) 0h30 / 1km

From the top of the village, walk downhill to the centre of the village, taking the D424 towards the beach at GRADELLE and the last house (cream with a turret). Shortly after, you will see a garage and a trail rising on the right by a cross. Climb here (signposted SENINU, E GRADELLE, CASPIU).  

The trail is way-marked in yellow dashes of paint to both U GROTTU (on MT SENINU) and GRADELLE beach. Climbing at first, before leveling, after just 500m the path opens out onto rolling farmland, take time to look over the valley to your left you can see the low building U PRATU. Here the track is wide and open before narrowing again to a path as it climbs away from the farm track, and after a further 400m (20 mins from the village) the path opens up to a wide view of the sea in front of you. You are heading onto the headland of SENINO. You will see a signpost and yellow waymark for, GROTTE which is straight ahead or GRADELLE left.

  • Junction near Bergerie U Pratu (to Grotte) 0h45/ 1.5km

From here, you head straight onto the Seninu headland, following the YELLOW waymarks. The path drops over a small col, then follows gently falling balcony path all the way to the Grotte, you have towering red cliffs above, some scree in places where rocks have fallen, then thick maquis plunging to the sea below. The walk takes you to a taffoni that forms a magnificent cave below the towering peak of Mont Seninu, offering views of the Golfe de Porto. Retrace your steps to OSANI.

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