Feliceto to Lumio

A village to village walk in the Balagne !

From the high village of FELICETO, this walk takes in the REGINO plaine and the perched villages all the way to LUMIO.

« An easy family friendly walk village to village.»

Feliceto to Lumio

Please make sure you have your picnic for this morning before the taxi leaves.

14km, 5h00, +380m /-550m RED & YELLOW wooden signposts at strategic points


FELICETO, CATERI, restaurants and store LUMIO

  • Feliceto (to Avapessa) 1h30 / 6km

From the centre of the village, at the crossroads, follow the road that drops to the left side of the church (waymarked RED) continue straight ahead with the rubbish bins on your right. Follow the lane all the way down to the San Rocco chapel. The path leads left from here signposted AVAPESSA MURO). The path reaches the REGINO stream at an old mill, and a GENOESE bridge (do not cross this. Continue left along the mule track, it soon crosses the road D13. Continue straight ahead, passing an old stone mill, then fording a stream, continue along this until the path opens a T junction, at fields.

Take the track left signposted to the village of MURO & AVAPESSA occasional RED WAYMARKS.  The track climbs gently, then flattens between fields and you arrive at a shady junction, turn right and just before you arrive at a turning circle on your left, head right on a track towards a farm with vehicles, then leave the track that turns uphill, straight ahead on a path with RED waymarks.

The path leads through woodland, looping uphill, to arrive at the SAN GIACOMU CHAPEL and cemetery. The path leads straight ahead here between stone walls, and climbs passing new villas to another concrete track, turn right at the junction, keep on the track as it becomes a mule track, then a path on a stone terrace, crossing two gates before reaching the D613 at AVAPESSA, turn left, take the first right passing the cemetery and climbing to reach the gite at AVAPESSA.

  • Avapessa (to Cateri) 0h45 / 1.5km

Facing the gite, turn right down along a cobbled mule path. The path leads you below the road through fields and groves before climbing again to the village of CATERI.  Ignore a path coming in from the right and on arrival at the cemetery, climb the road to San Cesareo chapel, cross the road here and drop down into CATERI (0h45)

The village is a maze of cobbled streets, surrounding the EGLISE DE L’ASSOMPTION, baroque in style. From the church, head down the cobbled lanes of the village following Rue de la Tour (occasional yellow waymarks).

  • Cateri (to Lavatoggio) 0h45 / 2km

After a large garden (normally with chickens) on your right, the path leads downhill through the vegetation, waymarking is now YELLOW before taking a distinct left at a junction (worn yellow waymark on a stone) towards LAVATOGGIO. You soon climb to reach the COUVENT DE MARCASSO, take a look at this windswept monastery, there is even a little shop. From the Couvent de Marcasso, the walk continues to the hamlet of CROCCE,

LAVATOGGIO. At new villas, the path becomes messy due to the constructions, head to the right, through the low stone walls, soon coming upon a spring, and then the hamlet. Head uphill to the main road from here, crossing the road and climbing the steps opposite towards the church.

  • Lavatoggio (to Notre Dame de la Stella) 1h00 / 3km

At the SAINT LAURENT church, go in and check out the painted ceiling, typical of the area. Take the Allee Roger Dassonville (facing the church on your right). The lane climbs steeply past houses until the lane becomes a track at San Giovanni di Venti Chapel. Continue along the track across this plateau to Notre Dame de la Stella chapel, the track continues straight ahead to LUMIO.

  • Notre Dame de la Stella (to Occi) 0h30 / 1.5km

After about 150m turn right (waymarked yellow) to explore Occi, taking the gently climbing track between stone walls and cistus. When the walk levels, the view of Calvi is sublime before dropping down slightly to the abandoned village of Occi. Explore the village without climbing on the ruins. For a bird’s eye view, cross the village going behind the church, with the church and the sea on your left, head right between the hill and a house, follow the path and as it climbs, you have a great bird’s eye view of the village.

  • Occi (to Lumio) 0h30 / 1km

From the church (dated 1785) walk towards the houses towards the sea and a stone wall and then turn left downhill. Circling Occi, wait till you see the RevelLata lighthouse and drop down a mule path (some yellow waymarks) zig zagging down through boulders until arrival at the village. To arrive at CASA DI MAMA.

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