Lacs de Melo & Capitello, Restonica

“In many of the guide books the technical aspects of the walk up to LAC DE MELO are underestimated and it is presented as a quick jaunt you can do in flip flops carrying a lap dog in a bag.  This is far from realistic but don’t be surpised to see people trying !”

This is a magnificent mountain walk.  The two lakes are of a completely contrasting nature, LAC DE MELO a large, apple shaped, Glacier Lake surrounded by spongy grass. LAC DE CAPITELLO is the deepest on the island at 40m deep. Sheer sheets of granite plunge into its depths and there is little vegetation.

6km / 4h30 / +/ -500m / YELLOW

A spring below MELO LAKE but take plenty of water (2 litres minimum)

The starting altitude is high at 1400m at Grottelle. The nature of the terrain is rough; you need proper shoes and equipment.  You must be attentive to the weather, to timings and the gear your take with you. Do not underestimate the time you need just because the distances are short. Start as close to GROTELLE as possible.  The valley itself can be very busy in high season so you need to be patient.

  • Grotelle (to Berg de Melo) 0h45 / 1km

You start out from the hut.  It is run by a Corsican called Théo. The trail runs up to the right of the hut, it is particularly well way-marked and climbs steadily. Make your way up to the stone shepherd’s cabin marked on your maps as BERG DE MELO. It now houses a refreshment spot in season.

  • Berg de Melo (to Melo Lake) 0h45 / 1km

Higher up there is a path intersection with a giant cairn.  We would recommend staying on the left bank of the river. There are a set of chains over rock slabs and two ladders that will aid your ascension (marked echelles on the map). At the lake, you may decide to simply picnic and relax on the grassy banks beneath the park refuge.

  • Melo Lake (to Capitello Lake) 1h00 / 1km

For a longer walk, from the park refuge you can continue up to LAC DE CAPITELLU above. The walk up to the second lake is a lot steeper, initially up a steep stepped section, but after a short level section you are climbing again and the walk involves scrambly sections where you need your hands and you are aided with chains. The final push you reach a further plateau, that you climb up to and reach the lake.

  • Capitello Lake (to Grotelle) 2h00 / 3km

You can return by the same path.

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